Tuesday, September 3, 2019

REFLECTION 2: What's on Telly?—International Televison in America

Just as American movies and music dominate the world, so too, does our television. In fact, American shows, ranging from The Walking Dead to The Big Bang Theory often enjoy large global audiences. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of international shows in the United States. Americans generally prefer English-language television produced in our own country—even shows from other English-speaking countries have a difficult time finding an audience here, as viewers are often confounded by non-American English accents. Thus, risk-adverse broadcast networks (e.g. NBC, Fox) rarely offer non-English, non-American programs in their schedules. Streaming services, on the other hand, have tapped into an American appetite for foreign television. Now, most major services feature a plethora of international programing, including Korean soaps and Scandinavian procedurals. For this reflection, watch at least one episode from two different internationally-produced shows* on either Netflix, Prime Video, or Hulu.** You may focus on at least one English-speaking program so long as it is non-American. In your analysis, examine the similarities and differences between our two countries, such as tone, language, subject matter, and humor. Finally, consider if the shows you watched have any potential for mainstream success in America. Why or why not?

*Broadcasting standards in these countries are different than those in the US, so you may find more profanity, violence, even nudity, in these shows. 

**Of the three major streaming services, only Hulu offers a free tier. If none of these is available to you, YouTube is another viable option. Contact me if you cannot access any shows. 

  • 1-1.5 pages in length
  • MLA Style

Due: Wed 9.12

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